Comment 1 for bug 1319545

Revision history for this message
Chris McDonough (chrism-plope) wrote :

I've created a branch of KARL dev-buildout (<email address hidden>:karlproject/dev-buildout.git) named 'karlserveless'. It removes the dependency on karlserve from the build, and uses a 'karlserveless' branch of the karl package, into which I cut n pasted a bunch of code from karlserve (a root factory, mainly).

Changes on this branch as compared to master:

- karlserve, the package, is not depended upon nor put on the PYTHONPATH.

- karlserve, the command, is no longer available. You start karl via "bin/paster serve etc/karl.ini" rather than "bin/karlserve serve"

- etc/karl.ini is new, etc/karlserve.ini was removed.

- etc/instances.ini was removed. It was an artifact of karlserve.

- a new pg.conf zconfig file is in etc representing the configuration for RelStorage-based deployments. This used to be the domain of karlserve, which would dynamically write such a file.

- Per-instance configuration stored in the database is no longer honored.

A bunch of functionality will need to be reworked for this branch to be merged back to master. In particular, all the non-"serve" parts of karlserve, which are thus:

    backdate Backdate created and modified timestamps of content.
    chown Backdate created and modified timestamps of content.
    clean_tags Reassign tags owned by users who no longer exist.
                        Add a fake blog tool to community for receiving mailin
                        trace emails.
    debug Open a debug session with a Karl instance.
    digest Send digest emails.
    evolve Bring database up to date with code.
    export_community Export a community's data.
                        Export usage metadata for OSI.
    feeds Rss/Atom feed operations.
    generate_stats Generate statistics about communities and users.
    gsa_sync Sync staff profiles and login to OSI GSA.
    init_repozitory Initialize repozitory for objects not yet in
    mailin Process incoming mail.
    mailout Send outgoing mail.
    metrics Save metrics to the zodb.
    mode Show or change mode of instances.
    peopleconf Dump or load a people directory configuration.
    reindex_text Switches the text index of an instance to use either
                        zope.index or pgtextindex.
                        Removed cached _extracted_data from files.
    samplegen Generate sample content in the database.
    settings Manage instance configuration.
    sso Operations for mapping SSO credentials to Karl users
    usersync Sync users to external data source.