Comment 1 for bug 1791242

Revision history for this message
amudhar (amudha) wrote :

Issue fixed and vmdk saved at /cs-shared/contrail-vcenter/vmdk/centos-7.5/centos-7.5-7

- added rename_interface, invoked on boot when ContrailVM is respawned
  from Esx Agent Manager and vcenter playbook is re-run
- DNS name unresolved issue fixed (#1791242)
  - when ContrailVM is respawned from EAM, it is powered on and
    /etc/hostname is updated to default entry
  - remove these entries in /firstboot, this updates the DNS resolved
    name in /etc/hostname when the ContrailVM is powered back on at
    the end of vcenter playbook
- remove entries from /etc/resolv.conf