Comment 10 for bug 1617570

Revision history for this message
sagarkchitnis (sagarc) wrote :

partial changes for bug 1617570/1617479: adding googlecode based packages

These were originally on googlecode(now on github)
bugs: 1617570, 1617479
also need to point the paths in the packages.xml file to point to this location.
1 parent ed96ee0 commit 13f6119a5690388c806327814d9e433f1ad5709d @sagarkchitnis sagarkchitnis committed on GitHub 24 seconds ago
Unified Split
Showing 5 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.
BIN googlecode/
BIN googlecode/
BIN googlecode/gperftools-2.1.tar.gz
BIN googlecode/pugixml-1.2.tar.gz
BIN googlecode/