Comment 5 for bug 1794702

Revision history for this message
Pramodh D'Souza (psdsouza) wrote :

Obeservations - 81 communities found in the route.
(gdb) p item
$1 = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b4d0 <vtable for autogen::ItemType+16>}, entry = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b4f0 <vtable for autogen::EntryType+16>}, nlri = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b650 <vtable for autogen::IPAddressType+16>},
      af = 1, safi = 1, address = ""}, next_hops = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b590 <vtable for autogen::NextHopListType+16>}, next_hop = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b5b0 <vtable for autogen::NextHopType+16>},
          af = 1, address = "", mac = "", label = 78, vni = 0, tunnel_encapsulation_list = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b630 <vtable for autogen::TunnelEncapsulationListType+16>}, tunnel_encapsulation = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {"gre", "udp"}},
          virtual_network = "default-domain:GEN-TNT-INTERNET:GEN-VRF-INTERNET", tag_list = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b610 <vtable for autogen::TagListType+16>}, tag = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}}}}, version = 1, virtual_network = "", mobility = {<AutogenProperty> = {
        _vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b510 <vtable for autogen::MobilityType+16>}, seqno = 0, sticky = false}, sequence_number = 0, security_group_list = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b530 <vtable for autogen::SecurityGroupListType+16>},
      security_group = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}, community_tag_list = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b570 <vtable for autogen::CommunityTagListType+16>}, community_tag = std::vector of length 81, capacity 81 = {"no-reoriginate", "999:10001", "999:10002", "999:10003",
        "999:10004", "999:10005", "999:10006", "999:10007", "999:10008", "999:10009", "999:10010", "999:10011", "999:10012", "999:10013", "999:10014", "999:10015", "999:10016", "999:10017", "999:10018", "999:10019", "999:10020", "999:10021", "999:10022", "999:10023", "999:10024", "999:10025", "999:10026",
        "999:10027", "999:10028", "999:10029", "999:10030", "999:10031", "999:10032", "999:10033", "999:10034", "999:10035", "999:10036", "999:10037", "999:10038", "999:10039", "999:10040", "999:10041", "999:10042", "999:10043", "999:10044", "999:10045", "999:10046", "999:10047", "999:10048", "999:10049",
        "999:10050", "999:10051", "999:10052", "999:10053", "999:10054", "999:10055", "999:10056", "999:10057", "999:10058", "999:10059", "999:10060", "999:10061", "999:10062", "999:10063", "999:10064", "999:10065", "999:10066", "999:10067", "999:10068", "999:10069", "999:10070", "999:10071", "999:10072",
        "999:10073", "999:10074", "999:10075", "999:10076", "999:10077", "999:10078", "999:10079", "999:10080"}}, local_preference = 100, med = 0, load_balance = {<AutogenProperty> = {_vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b550 <vtable for autogen::LoadBalanceType+16>}, load_balance_fields = {<AutogenProperty> = {
          _vptr.AutogenProperty = 0x2a8b5f0 <vtable for autogen::LoadBalanceFieldListType+16>}, load_balance_field_list = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0}, load_balance_decision = "field-hash"}}}