Comment 5 for bug 1716199

Revision history for this message
Nitish Krishna Kaveri (nitishk) wrote :

From Ram:

Hi Ritam,

I took a quick look and noticed that the neutron-metadata agent has the shared secret set :

root@nodei19:~# cat /etc/kolla/neutron-metadata-agent/metadata_agent.ini
nova_metadata_ip =
nova_metadata_port = 8775
metadata_proxy_shared_secret = 95B92A96BBBE

whereas in nova.conf, we have not set it:

root@nodei17:~# cat /etc/nova/nova.conf | grep metadata_proxy_shared_secret
# * metadata_proxy_shared_secret
#metadata_proxy_shared_secret =

Please add this section under “openstack” section in contrail_cluster JSON:

                        "neutron": {
                                 "shared_secret": "95B92A96BBBE "

Also transport_url is also not set in nova.conf on the compute. This wil be populated when openstack_sku is set to ‘ocata’ in the inventory. I do not see this variable in the inventory. Can you try setting this variable in the contrail_cluster JSON under “contrail_4” section and reprovision the contrail_cluster?

                       “contrail_4”: {
                           “openstack_sku”: “ocata”

Ritam is confirming this fix