Comment 1 for bug 1650219

Revision history for this message
kratna (kratna) wrote :

This issue was found in IT CCP ESX cloud:

VM ( part of VN1 contrail network ) was migrated from one host esxi-02 to esxi-14 . The host esxi-14 did not have any VMs that had interfaces in VN1 .

We did 2 iterations :

Iteration 1 :- downtime was 31.4 seconds

a) to program the VRF + flow - 2.5 s
b) ping to resume - 28.9 s

Iteration 2: downtime was 26.4 seconds

a) program the VRF + flow = 2.0 s
b) ping to resume - 24.4 s

I used ping to check these times - I was sending ping every 0.1 second . Before the migration the ping was taking rtt = ~34 milliseconds .