Comment 0 for bug 1645502

Revision history for this message
Nagendra Prasath (npchandran) wrote : RHEL7/Centos7: Fabric script updates to provision with OSPD

Following contrail fabric scripts upgrades are required to provision contrail with OSPd with manual intervention.

As per R3.0.2.0-51/RHEL7/Liberty, following changes are needed:

1. Skip install/provision neutron server on contrail config nodes
2. Skip install/provision nova compute
3. Skip openstack HA provisioning when internal_vip/external_vip is provided in
4. Accept rabbitmq password and populate it in contrail config files (api, svc monitor, schema...)
5. Avoid the need to specify openstack ip address in the
6. Backport missing rhel dependencies (only affects R3.0.2.0/R3.0.2.x/R3.0.3.x/)
7. /etc/contrail/ needs to be updated with openstack VIP
8. Enable keepalived/ntp services
9. Clarify the need for install_pkg_all_without_openstack and similar fab tasks.