Comment 4 for bug 1623413

Revision history for this message
Mladen Maric (mmaric) wrote :

Upgrade procedure:

* Put new rpms in repository
* Run yum clean all on compute node
* Run yum upgrade -y
In our case: The vrouter.ko / symlink is not put in /usr/lib/modules/3.10.0-327.28.3.el7.x86_64/extra/net/vrouter/vrouter.ko

(We used ansible for the commands, something like: ansible -i inventory.txt all -m shell -a 'yum clean all;yum upgrade -y' --become -f 20 )

If you look at the rpm script ( rpm -q --scripts contrail-vrouter ) you will see there is some scripting in place which normally creates the symlinks and runs a depmod -a.
Running this script manually after installation will make it work, also doing an uninstall / reinstall will work.

However this script will (also) not run when upgrading the kernel so you will also need a manual run of that script when upgrading kernels.
As mentioned before using "weak modules" in the packaging could be a solution to that