Comment 9 for bug 1597190

Revision history for this message
sundarkh (sundar-kh) wrote : Re: SM Lite: Mainline 2738 provision fails with error in state.yaml file

contrail contrail_exec_provision_control is python --api_server_ip "" --api_server_port 8082 --host_name_list "nodeg21,nodeg33" --host_ip_list "," --router_asn "64512" --mt_options "None" && echo exec-provision-control >> /etc/contrail/contrail_config_exec.out
Jul 18 01:32:40 nodeg21 puppet-agent[30187]: (/Stage[config]/Contrail::Exec_provision_control/Notify[contrail contrail_exec_provision_control is python --api_server_ip "" --api_server_port 8082 --host_name_list "nodeg21,nodeg33" --host_ip_list "," --router_asn "64512" --mt_options "None" && echo exec-provision-control >> /etc/contrail/contrail_config_exec.out]/message) defined 'message' as 'contrail contrail_exec_provision_control is python --api_server_ip "" --api_server_port 8082 --host_name_list "nodeg21,nodeg33" --host_ip_list "," --router_asn "64512" --mt_options "None" && echo exec-provision-control >> /etc/contrail/contrail_config_exec.out'
Jul 18 01:32:41 nodeg21 puppet-master[12448]: Compiled catalog for in environment image_contrail_packages_3_1_0_0_2_kilo in 0.68 seconds
Jul 18 01:32:45 nodeg21 puppet-agent[30187]: python --api_server_ip "" --api_server_port 8082 --host_name_list "nodeg21,nodeg33" --host_ip_list "," --router_asn "64512" --mt_options "None" && echo exec-provision-control >> /etc/contrail/contrail_config_exec.out returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Jul 18 01:32:45 nodeg21 puppet-agent[30187]: (/Stage[config]/Contrail::Exec_provision_control/Exec[exec-provision-control]/returns) change from notrun to 0 failed: python --api_server_ip "" --api_server_port 8082 --host_name_list "nodeg21,nodeg33" --host_ip_list "," --router_asn "64512" --mt_options "None" && echo exec-provision-control >> /etc/contrail/contrail_config_exec.out returned 1 instead of one of [0]

Jul 18 01:32:46 nodeg21 puppet-agent[4564]: Checksumfile /var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml is corrupt ((/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml): could not find expected ':' while scanning a simple key at line 1809 column 3);

SM Lite provision fails again with issue as mentioned in bug description with ( R3.1 build 2)