Comment 15 for bug 1547782

Revision history for this message
Vinod Nair (vinodnair) wrote :

Tried with Build 3.0 Build 2729 and still see issues

Set mtu of 9160 on vhost interface and tried to copy a file , traffic rate is way low and stalls .. But sometimes it does work

scp root@* .
root@'s password:
traffic1.qcow2 0% 0 0.0KB/s --:-- ETA

traffic1.qcow2 0% 0 0.0KB/s - stalled -

traffic1.qcow2 0% 0 0.0KB/s - stalled -
traffic1.qcow2 0% 0 0.0KB/s - stalled

VROUTER: The mtu seems to be capped at 1468

Trace path from a VM
root@sw1-traffic1:~# ifconfig eth0 mtu 9160
root@sw1-traffic1:~# tracepath
 1?: [LOCALHOST] pmtu 9160
 1: 0.763ms
 1: 0.994ms
 2: 1.092ms pmtu 1468
 2: no reply