Comment 1 for bug 1533037

Revision history for this message
Ignatious Johnson Christopher (ijohnson-x) wrote :

Hi Vedu,

I tried launching a docker container in nodei27, it got the IP.

Regarding nova-compute restart,
Seems to be a day one issue with the opencontrail docker driver, which during restart of nova-compute doesn’t publish the port information to vrouter-agent.
I have fixed it in the nodei27 (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novadocker/virt/docker/, I have also backed up the old driver(.old).

With this fix I was able to successfully publish(Addport) of all the existing containers to the vrouter-agent.
Request you to share the bug id, I will use it for commiting the fix.

Hi Hari,
Can you point me to the http based api for adding port, so that I will make use of it along with this fix.
