Comment 0 for bug 1528404

Revision history for this message
Senthilnathan Murugappan (msenthil) wrote :

Need the below provisioning changes to support juju with contrail kilo on R2.20 branch

* contrail_extensions needs to be added to ContrailPlugin.ini
* "security_group_api = neutron" needs to be added to nova.conf of compute node
* Analytics QE is not up (I don’t have much insight into analytics hence didn’t debug further)
        2015-12-16 Wed 15:07:20:101.950 PST juju-machine-2-lxc-3 [Thread 140233257473792, Pid 3081]: SANDESH: Send FAILED: 1450307240101635 QeInit [SYS_WARN]: QELog: initialization of database failed. retrying 8 time controller/src/query_engine/ 1089
* LBaas was not configured (needs patch
* Heat was not configured (needs patch