Comment 1 for bug 1449793

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Suresh Balineni (sbalineni) wrote :

Hi Nischal,

Few comments on AuthData schema type, currently it is defined as as:

<xsd:complexType name='AuthenticationData'>
             <xsd:element name="key-type" type="AuthenticationKeyType"/>
                     <xsd:element name='key-items' type='AuthenticationKeyItem' maxOccurs='2'/>

this can be seen as:

 BgpRouterParameters {
      auth_data {
           enum key-type (md5)
           key-items[0..1] {
                   int(range 0..63) key_id;
                   string key;

1. Why do we need to have two(max) key items if "key-chain" is not implemented? I presume, control node implemented only authentication-key but not authentication-key-chains. Can I always assume that there is only one key present in auth data when it comes to programming MX?

2. XML Schema construct <sequence> is useless in this case since there is only only type of element present under the sequence.