Comment 0 for bug 1420416

Revision history for this message
Nischal Sheth (nsheth) wrote :

MD5 authentication for BGP peers is tracked via bug 1383393. This bug tracks
the UI changes needed for the same. An authentication key chain can be set
per bgp-router or in the BgpSessionAttributes for a bgp-peering. The schema
changes have been implemented via the following commit:

The UI should minimally support configuration of a key chain per bgp-router.
This can be done by adding an "Advanced Options" section to Create/Edit BGP
Peer screens. User should be able to create/update a list of key items as per
the schema change above.

The fields for a key item are as follows:

key-id : Identifier for key item
key-type: Only supported value is MD5 for now
key-value: Actual secret
start-time: Time in format yyyy-mm-dd.hh:mm:ss (need to confirm this one)

Additionally, it will be useful if the UI can also support configuration of a key
chain per bgp-peering. Perhaps an "Advanced Options" section could show
up when a "Configured Peer" is selected in the Create/Edit BGP Peer screen
when the Peer Type is not "Control Node" i.e. Peer Type is "BGP Peer".