Comment 1 for bug 1344233

Revision history for this message
Sachin Bansal (sbansal) wrote :

I see the following in the logs:

07/19/2014 04:57:01 AM [nodec22:Schema:Config:0]: Exception Unknown id: Error: oper 1 url /fqname-to-id body {"fq_name": ["default-domain", "TestBasicVMVN4-45770645", "vn222"], "type": "virtual-network"} response Name [u'default-domain', u'TestBasicVMVN4-45770645', u'vn222'] not found while creating VirtualNetworkST for default-domain:TestBasicVMVN4-45770645:vn222

This means that schema transformer received this message from ifmap, but it wasn't there when it queried api server. On further debugging, I found that API server is not draining rabbit queues:

root@nodec22:~# rabbitmqctl list_queues
Listing queues ...
vnc_config.nodeh4-9100 950893
vnc_config.nodeh5-9100 948882
vnc_config.nodec22-9100 928005

Rabbitmq logs show this error:

=ERROR REPORT==== 18-Jul-2014::14:06:21 ===
Mnesia(rabbit@nodec22): ** ERROR ** mnesia_event got {inconsistent_database, starting_partitioned_network, rabbit@nodeh5}

We will have to recluster rabbitmq.