Comment 2 for bug 2054565

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Adrian Flynn (flynna) wrote :

Thanks Joseph

Maybe some way to tell Juju which device or network to get the address from. Much like Tigera Enterprise Charm has a value

nic_autodetection_regex: "lo"

get the ip address from the loopback. Ignores Though this will break if there is more than 1 additional address on the loopback. Could use a combination of

nic_autodetection_regex: "lo" # use the address on the "lo" that
public_address_regex: 10.33. # matches the regex. If more than 1 match use the first and user needs to fix this misconfig. If no match then we have a misconfig - report "missing".

or just

nic_autodetection_regex: "enp3s0f0" # use the address on this interface

or just

public_address_regex: 10.33. # use the first address that matches this regex