I confirm the issue is cosmetic, and self-healed quickly automatically, but it has high visibility and affects automated tests.
P.S. we noticed it also scares new charm users a lot.
The `agent=failed` output on `juju status` for all units after `juju refresh` is really scary the first time.
The failure agent status is also affecting all SQL charms on auto-tests for Juju 3 (while works well on 2.9). Example: https:/ /github. com/canonical/ pgbouncer- operator/ pull/153/ files#r14917280 06
I confirm the issue is cosmetic, and self-healed quickly automatically, but it has high visibility and affects automated tests.
P.S. we noticed it also scares new charm users a lot.
The `agent=failed` output on `juju status` for all units after `juju refresh` is really scary the first time.
Tnx for the possible quick fix here!