Comment 0 for bug 2039316

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Pedro GuimarĂ£es (pguimaraes) wrote :

I was following the instructions discussed in:

Using juju 2.9.45 + single-node microk8s 1.27/stable for this test.

However, affinity / anti-affinity does not give the same AZ capabilities we have in the VM world.
AZs means I have a list of groups of no common servers. That means an operator can deploy knowing its workloads will land on different nodes, networks, storage, etc.

I believe we can get a very close UX as VMs in k8s by using:
1) using nodeAffinity to select the zones set in constraints [2]
2) setting topology spread [1]

With these two features enabled, one could set the following:
$ juju deploy postgresql-k8s -n3 --constraints="zones=z1,z2,topolocyspread.maxSkew=1"

That would result in a deployment where:
1) nodeAffinity only allows to select nodes in z1 or z2 and topologyKey is set in tags
2) to spread pods across nodes, respecting the topologyKey and maxSkew of 1


I also noticed that "topologyKey" is not being respected, where command:
$ juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel=14/edge -n3 --constraints=""

Results in:
Where "topology-key" is not set.

In any case, I don't believe that will provide the same UX as described above. We should have both options (pod/anti-pod syntax + zones and topologyKeys)
