Comment 0 for bug 2039267

Revision history for this message
Jack Shaw (jack-shaw) wrote : Juju refresh --switch does no validation

Reproduced in 2.9 and 3.3

juju refresh help text states

Please note that --switch is dangerous, because juju only has limited
information with which to determine compatibility; the operation will succeed,
regardless of potential havoc, so long as the following conditions hold:

- The new charm must declare all relations that the application is currently
  participating in.
- All config settings shared by the old and new charms must
  have the same types.

Juju also sometimes verifies the charm names in metadata match

However, no such validations take place
$ juju deploy ch:ubuntu
$ mkdir ubuntu
$ juju download ubuntu --filepath ubuntu/ubu.charm
$ cd ubuntu
$ unzip *
(edit config.yaml such that)
$ cat config.yaml
    type: int
    default: 0
    description: Override hostname of machine, when empty uses default machine hostname

$ cd ..
$ juju refresh ubuntu --switch ./ubuntu
Added local charm "ubuntu", revision 14, to the model

Note, the above fill fail if you change the name of your local charm. However:
$ juju deploy zookeeper --channel 3
$ juju refresh zookeeper --switch landscape-server --channel stable
will succeed