Comment 0 for bug 2020849

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James Simpson (jsimpso) wrote :


We've experienced an issue with the consistency and stability of our Juju controllers, and are struggling to pinpoint what's actually happening.

We're operating a HA controller set, running Juju 2.9.42, deployed in an Openstack cloud.

Symptoms we've observed have been:

* Issues with the stability of relationship hooks in deployed models (we have observed issues with relationships being created, updated, and departed)

* Controllers returning inconsistent "juju status" results
  When running "juju status --debug" to make sure we get one result from each controller, we have observed that at least one controller will consistently return a different result than the other(s).
  For example, this paste shows both secondary controllers reporting the primary controller as "agent-lost", while the primary disagrees:

Controller logs from the period in question have been made available via secure portal

Model logs for the specific model in which we observed relationship hook issues are located in "special-request" under that directory.

Please advise if there are any additional logs we should supply, any metrics we can gather from the time, or anything else.
