Comment 0 for bug 1992881

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Haw Loeung (hloeung) wrote :


With charms supporting multiple series, it doesn't make sense to me anymore to constraint them based on the series used to deploy the primary. For example, in an environment I have, I have an application deployed as "Focal" and the telegraf subordinate as "Focal".

I've now deployed a new application "Jammy" but I can't relate the telegraf subordinate to that as it gives me:

| $ juju add-relation stunnel telegraf
| ERROR cannot add relation "telegraf:juju-info stunnel:juju-info": principal and subordinate applications' series must match

The telegraf charm supports both series and knows what to do. We've been deploying new telegraf instances as telegraf-$series to work around this but perhaps we can remove this constraint within Juju?