Comment 0 for bug 1966664

Revision history for this message
Nobuto Murata (nobuto) wrote : latest/candidate is picked when latest/edge is requested

$ juju version

$ juju info neutron-api | grep latest/
  latest/stable: 501 2021-12-02 (501) 483kB
  latest/candidate: 498 2021-10-18 (498) 483kB
  latest/beta: ^
  latest/edge: 520 2022-03-21 (520) 795kB

$ juju deploy --channel latest/edge neutron-api
Located charm "neutron-api" in charm-hub, revision 498
Deploying "neutron-api" from charm-hub charm "neutron-api", revision 498 in channel candidate

So Juju picks the revision 498 which belongs to latest/candidate even when latest/edge which should be 520 is requested.