Comment 0 for bug 1947030

Revision history for this message
Steven Parker (sbparke) wrote :

juju status tabular format provides the following information for relationships

Relation provider,Requirer,Interface,Type,Message

However, formats for yaml and json do not provide a one to one mapping for relations.
  Ie. There is no non-ambiguous linkage between a relation provider and requirer

Additionally there is no information provided about the interface at all.

For example given the following relation provided by:

juju status --relations

Relation provider Requirer Interface Type
ceph-mon:client cinder-ceph:ceph ceph-client regular

    charm: cs:ceph-mon-58
      current: active
      message: Unit is ready and clustered
      since: 07 Oct 2021 22:58:41Z
      - cinder-ceph <--- No way to map this to cinder-ceph:ceph without making assumptions
      - glance
      - gnocchi
      - landscape-client
      - nova-compute
      - prometheus-ceph-exporter
      - filebeat
      - logrotated
      - rsyslog-forwarder-ha
      - telegraf
      - ceph-mon
      - nrpe
      - ceph-osd
      - ceph-radosgw

    charm: cs:cinder-ceph-264
      current: active
      message: Unit is ready
      since: 07 Oct 2021 23:03:51Z
      - ceph-mon <--- No way to map this non-ambiguously
      - nova-compute
      - cinder
    - cinder

Also interface is not in the yaml and json formats at all in this case ceph-client.