Comment 4 for bug 1876091

Revision history for this message
Pedro GuimarĂ£es (pguimaraes) wrote :

Hi, I am running juju 2.8.5 and Charmed Kubernetes 1.18 on stable charms and also seeing this issue.
Running k8s on top of MAAS 2.6.
When I apply configs described on comment #1, I can get to the point where juju starts the containers and waits for its return.

The extra configs as described on #1, can be seen on:
As well as the --debug output.
The IPs listed as options correspond to kubernetes-workers' IPs; and external-name config corresponds to an A record that points to the same worker IPs.

Here is the logs from api-server:
I've attached a bash to that container and could verify that both localhost:17070 and localhost:37017 were available.