Comment 1 for bug 1876091

Revision history for this message
Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote :

If the k8s cluster creates cluster ip services, these may not be accessible external to the cluster, eg by the Juju client.

How the controller service is spun up can be configured

Configuring the controller service when bootstrapping

When bootstrapping directly to a k8s cluster, Juju will create the front end service to the controller pod according to the type of the underlying cluster. For microk8s, a ClusterIP service is created; for Charmed Kubernetes on AWS or Azure, a LoadBalancer service is created etc.

You can override this behaviour, to choose a specific service type, and where necessary provide the external IP address(es) with which to configure the service. Here’s how you’d specify to use a k8s ExternalName service

$ juju bootstrap microk8s test
  --config controller-service-type=external
  --config controller-external-name=mydnsname
  --config controller-external-ips=[,]
(where “mynamename” and the external ips are provided as dictated by the k8s set up being used).

Other options for service type are cluster and loadbalancer.

Maybe this information will help you get started.