Comment 2 for bug 1847125

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Kenneth Koski (knkski) wrote :

As far as bikeshedding around exact syntax, this is the sort of syntax that I would go for, as a consumer of pod spec set:

    bindings: ["foo"] # Creates a RoleBinding
    globalBindings: ["bar"] # Creates a ClusterRoleBinding
    rules: # Creates a Role and RoleBinding
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods"]
        verbs: ["get"]
    globalRules: # Creates a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods"]
        verbs: ["get"]
  - name: secondary-sa
    bindings: ["foo"]
      - apiGroups: [""]
        resources: ["pods"]
        verbs: ["get"]

A few reasons for the why of the naming:
 - serviceAccount is Kubernetes-specific naming that might be confusing on another CaaS, but `roles` is abstract enough to work on another CaaS (or even clouds like AWS), but still gets the point across
 - "clusterRoleNames" is confusing due to Juju not currently supporting binding to ClusterRoles, only Roles. It's also K8s-specific naming, whereas `bindings` is generic enough that it should work in other CaaS systems (and even makes sense in non-CaaS systems)