Comment 1 for bug 1845696

Revision history for this message
Kenneth Koski (knkski) wrote :

It looks like this error message is somewhat misleading, and actually covering up another issue. I wasn't using pod spec v2 correctly, and the CRDs for each service were not getting created, which was causing the workload pods to get constantly rebooted.

However, now that I've created the CRDs manually, I'm still seeing an issue. "juju status" will show a service as active and ready, and then eventually go to the `creating or updating service account: role binding "FOO" already exists` error, and then cycle back to active and ready. The rolebindings appear to be getting constantly deleted and recreated, though I'm not sure what the timings are relative to the error message that I'm getting. An example rolebinding:

Name: pipelines-api-pipeline-runner
Labels: juju-app=pipelines-api
Annotations: <none>
  Kind: ClusterRole
  Name: pipeline-runner
  Kind Name Namespace
  ---- ---- ---------
  ServiceAccount pipelines-api kubeflow