Comment 0 for bug 1825500

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Florian Guitton (f-guitton) wrote :

Hello everyone !

I hope this Easter period treats you well.
I was testing the new capabilities of cross-cloud controllers in Juju 2.6-beta1 when I realised configuration changes are only propagated at times or seemingly not committed to database.
I am aware of the checksuming changes that were brought in recently, but it seems to be very inconsistent.

I have a Juju controller deployed on MAAS with HA enabled, 3 nodes.
All three controllers do not report any error in their logs. When I change the configuration of an application the config-updates triggers on the agents, but no commit is made to the database.
When I try to make the changes multiple times in a row, it will accept the input every time, proceed to triggering the config-update hook on all agent every time, but will indeed not propagate the new values nor commit them. Illustrated by the following:

root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster os-access-hostname
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster
WARNING the configuration setting "os-access-hostname" already has the value ""
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster os-access-hostname
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster
root@juju-playground:~# juju config percona-cluster os-access-hostname

I am happy to send anything that might be of use, just let me know.
Thank you very much for your support.

Best wishes,