Comment 5 for bug 1813044

Revision history for this message
Colin Watson (cjwatson) wrote :

I ran into this today on PS4.5, except I upgraded the nrpe subordinate first (actually twice; "juju upgrade-charm nrpe --switch cs:nrpe-52" followed shortly afterwards by "juju upgrade-charm nrpe --switch /srv/mojo/mojo-stg-ols-snap-build/xenial/staging/charms/xenial/nrpe-external-master" when I realised that I'd meant to use Mojo's local repository), and then tried to upgrade a primary application charm. Fifteen minutes after the nrpe upgrade-charm finished and it's still stuck:

  [prodstack-is:admin/stg-ols-snap-build] stg-ols-snap-build@wendigo:~$ juju upgrade-charm apache --path /srv/mojo/mojo-stg-ols-snap-build/xenial/staging/charms/xenial/apache2
  Added charm "local:xenial/apache2-23" to the model.
  ERROR unable to set charm profile: upgrade charm profile already in process for machine 6, profile from ""

Is this likely to be permanent? Is there any way I can unstick it, or look at the state of the upgrade charm profile without actually running juju upgrade-charm?

(It's also worth noting that these aren't LXD machines in the first place, but rather nova-managed VMs ...)