Comment 0 for bug 1768308

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Peter Matulis (petermatulis) wrote :

When I specify a default constraint during controller-creation time with '--constraints' it appears that it (here disk space) gets applied to the controller:

$ juju bootstrap --no-gui --bootstrap-series=bionic --constraints "root-disk=64G" aws aws-bionic-constraints2
$ juju ssh -m controller 0 'df -h'

/dev/xvda1 62G 3.0G 60G 5% /

When I use no constraints I get a much smaller disk for the controller:

$ juju bootstrap --no-gui --bootstrap-series=bionic aws aws-bionic-constraints3
$ juju ssh -m controller 0 'df -h'

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev
tmpfs 376M 744K 375M 1% /run
/dev/xvda1 31G 3.0G 28G 10% /

I thought the controller is only affected by '--bootstrap-constraints'?