Comment 4 for bug 1742550

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Anastasia (anastasia-macmood) wrote :

@Jason Hobbs (jason-hobbs),

"Not all space bindings are tied to relations; " - *I agree. This is part of the reason why we cannot, in full conscience, put spaces information in a relations' section in status output.*

So, some terminology to make sure that we are talking about the same thing :)

An application has endpoint(s) that are used in relations: to and from connections between applications. Relations are generally displayed in terms of the endpoints that they link, for e.g.
'mysql:juju-info' (as relation provider) and 'logging:info' (as requirer).

So, yes, you have seen the format I referred to in relations, say in 'juju status' output. But this format, <application_name>:<endpoint_name> actually represents an endpoint.

When you specify application bindings, you are binding application endpoints. I propose we list them although I am not sure that it will be logistically possible to do it as an output of a 'juju spaces' command [1].

Can you give me an example where space binding is not tied to an endpoint?
(The only situation I can think of is when your application only has one endpoint so we *know* to bind what you mean when you ask to put this application into a space...) :D

Currently, the output of spaces command looks like this:

If I add another column to this output that lists the endpoints [] or applications [ .... I am not sure if this is helpful since you cannot see which application endpoint is in a particular space, i.e. look at mysql case] in here, it will be confusing since the last two columns are not related to each other but because each item is on a separate row, it looks like an application endpoint sits in a particular subnet...

I think that we'd be better off either:
(1) have 'juju spaces' out put 2 tables - one for subnets and one for applications/endpoints;
(2) have a separate command to display where application endpoints are for the whole model;
(3) change the tabular output to have a space name column to be in the middle (am not a fan of this version -

What do you think?

Meanwhile, while we elaborate on how to display space usage for a whole model, we could potentially work on something like a 'show-application' command that will include spaces information for the application. Unfortunately, up until now we did not have the need for this command....