Comment 1 for bug 1699930

Revision history for this message
Michael Fraenkel (mfraenkel) wrote :

I added some debug and it becomes more obvious what the issue is.
Like I stated, I have 4 VPCs, there are subnets across them that have identical CIDR ranges. The list of subnets to add are coming from mutiple VPCs. When they are added, a duplicate is detected because only the CIDR is taken into consideration.
Here are the subnets being added, I have set the NetworkId to be the VPC id.

AddSubnet() state.SubnetInfo{ProviderId:"subnet-9c429dfb", ProviderNetworkId:"vpc-327dc555", CIDR:"", VLANTag:0, AvailabilityZone:"us-west-2b", SpaceName:""}
AddSubnet() state.SubnetInfo{ProviderId:"subnet-2bb24773", ProviderNetworkId:"vpc-c29f1da6", CIDR:"", VLANTag:0, AvailabilityZone:"us-west-2c", SpaceName:""}

Subnet() &state.subnetDoc{DocID:"45cb8652-b8ea-4daf-8edd-68aa5b87e4ce:", ModelUUID:"45cb8652-b8ea-4daf-8edd-68aa5b87e4ce", Life:0, ProviderId:"subnet-9c429dfb", ProviderNetworkId:"vpc-327dc555", CIDR:"", VLANTag:0, AvailabilityZone:"us-west-2b", IsPublic:false, SpaceName:""}