Comment 16 for bug 1680523

Revision history for this message
Andrew Wilkins (axwalk) wrote : Re: add-credential azure fails

My change has landed on the "develop" branch, which is the main branch we all work off. We're expecting to release 2.2-beta3 in the next couple of days, so you can either wait for that, or follow the instructions below to build:

1. install go 1.8. I use the snap package: "sudo snap install go --classic --channel=1.8"
2. install gcc (for some pesky cgo dependencies that I'd like to get rid of...)
3. go get
4. go get -d
5. cd ~/go/src/
6. git checkout develop
7. ~/go/bin/godeps -u dependencies.tsv
8. go install

You should now have the "juju" client binary in ~/go/bin, which is enough to run "juju add-credential". If you also want to bootstrap with the develop branch, you should also "go install".