Comment 4 for bug 1662857

Revision history for this message
Joel Sing (jsing) wrote :

This happens if you follow the instructions in the juju file (under the "Getting Juju" heading):

$ go version
go version go1.6.2 linux/amd64
$ GOPATH=~/go go get -d -v
... (download)
        imports context: unrecognized import path "context" (import path does not begin with hostname)

I believe this is due to the Juju code importing, which appears to depend on the context packaging being in the standard library, which is a Go 1.7 feature - using an older version of Go to get the Juju sources will now fail.

The options are likely to be:

- Require Go 1.7 to fetch/build Juju.

- Change the instructions to git clone juju, then use godeps to fetch the dependencies (instead of relying on `go get`).

- Import a version of govmomi that is version pinned to code prior to the switch to "context" imports.