Comment 3 for bug 1659639

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John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote : Re: spaces and subnet constraints do not work on AWS

SubnetsToZones should only contain a mapping of subnets that are in the requested space, mapping to Zones that have those subnets.

It should *not* contain all subnets in the zone. So by the time we get to that code we should only have Private (or Public) subnets listed.

It is supposedly built up in:
apiserver/provisioner/provisioninginfo.go line 216 in "machineSubnetsAndZones".

Where it first asks "give me the Space" and then subnets := space.Subnets(), which it then walks to find subnet.AvailabilityZone() later on.

Given the symptoms it sounds like we have a bug, but probably not right there.