Comment 0 for bug 1636139

Revision history for this message
Junien F (axino) wrote :


It looks like the juju-info relation doesn't have the public-address in the relation data anymore. This is problematic for charms that rely on it, for example nrpe with export_nagios_checks to true.

Steps to reproduce :
juju deploy cs:ubuntu
juju deploy cs:nrpe
juju add-relation ubuntu nrpe
juju run --unit nrpe/0 "relation-get -r general-info:0 - ubuntu/0"

Expected result :
private-address: 192.168.x.x

Actual result :
private-address 192.168.x.x

juju 2.0.0-trusty-amd64

Tested on Azure only. Note that "juju run --unit ubuntu/0 'unit-get public-address'" returns the expected public address.