Comment 0 for bug 1624514

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Larry Michel (lmic) wrote :

For bug 1592811, we have the limitation that networking for LXD container is over lxdbr0 which is not attached to any physical network. What happens is that if we want to have a dense deployment, then the LXD containers come up on a LXD internal network which cannot be reached from a different host. This doesn't work and without lxdbr0 tied to an external network and all the Juju services cannot be deployed successfully.

Per conversation with frobware and mackgreagoir, perhaps juju could provide one or more config options for specifying a bridge to use instead of lxdbr0 and location of the cloud init image with the bridge already configured.

frobware asked me to follow up with a bug on this. So this would be a request for Juju config option for specifying the location of the cloud init image so Juju could point to custom cloud image's location. In that case, either lxdbr0 could already be tied to a physical adapter or the image has a bridge configured on top of a NIC The bridge name could then be a Juju config option or it could be a known bridge name such as br100 or br-int which would not necessitate a config option for it.