Comment 0 for bug 1591290

Revision history for this message
Curtis Hovey (sinzui) wrote :

As seen in

serverSuite.TestStop opften fail because it got a different error: unexpected error

    c.Fatalf("unexpected error from request: %#v, expected rpc.ErrShutdown or io.ErrUnexpectedEOF", err)
... Error: unexpected error from request: &net.OpError{Op:"write", Net:"tcp", Source:(*net.TCPAddr)(0xc8203916b0), Addr:(*net.TCPAddr)(0xc8203916e0), Err:(*os.SyscallError)(0xc8203dd740)}, expected rpc.ErrShutdown or io.ErrUnexpectedEOF

This is a historic bug that affected windows. This bug is different and affects go 1.6 (and historically 1.5 and gccgo)

This issue is frequent enough to fail several tests of revisions.