Comment 0 for bug 1580717

Revision history for this message
Adam Israel (aisrael) wrote :

Version(s) affected: Juju 1.25.5, 2.0 beta 6

I've hit a repeatable issue where I can put the juju agent into an infinite loop while allocating, and no combination of destroy-environment (1.25.5), destroy-model, destroy-controller, destroy-model (2.0 beta6) will complete.


Deploy charm with storage requirement that exceeds the default machine constraints.

Steps to recreate:

juju bootstrap
juju deploy cs:~3-bruno/trusty/quobyte-registry-4

The quobyte-registry charm has a minimum storage requirement of 10G. This exceeds the default machine constraints. The juju agent attempts to install but can't because the storage loopback file creation has run the disk out of space.

I've attempted every command to destroy the environment, model, and controller to no avail. `destroy-controller` hangs while "Waiting for hosted model resources to be reclaimed".