Comment 13 for bug 1575448

Revision history for this message
Brad Marshall (brad-marshall) wrote :

Unfortunately I've just tried this with the juju binaries provided, and it doesn't seem to have worked.

To deploy, I copied the binaries to a directory, set it to the front of my path and then I did:

  $ juju bootstrap --constraints "tags=<tag>" --show-log --debug --upload-tools
  $ juju deploy local:xenial/ubuntu -n2 --constraints "tags=<tag>"
  $ juju ensure-availability --to 1,2

After > 10 minutes, the extra nodes end up looking like:

    agent-state: started
    agent-state-info: (started)
    dns-name: ditto.maas
    instance-id: /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-c832aaa2-bb3d-11e5-8d95-a0d3c1ef015d/
    series: xenial
    hardware: arch=amd64 cpu-cores=48 mem=262136M tags=baremetal-stable availability-zone=default
    state-server-member-status: adding-vote

There is no action in the machine 1 and 2 logs at all after the initial juju ensure-availability.

$ juju --version

$ dpkg-query -W maas
maas 1.9.2+bzr4568-0ubuntu1~trusty1