Comment 0 for bug 1567228

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Andrew Wilkins (axwalk) wrote :

juju destroy-controller requires you to first destroy hosted models. So I ran this after a fresh bootstrap:

    juju add-machine
    (wait for machine to be provisioned)
    juju destroy-model -y default && juju destroy-controller -y ctrl

And the hosted model machine is still there.

The code in state that decrements hosted-model refcounts is broken. When you
create a hosted model, a refcount is added to the controller. As long as this refcount
is non-zero, you cannot destroy the controller. When you "juju destroy-model", it
marks the model as dying, enqueues cleanups (destroy services, machines, etc.),
and decrements the refcount. It's then possible to destroy the controller before
all of the hosted model resources are cleaned up.