Comment 4 for bug 1557380

Revision history for this message
Reed O'Brien (reedobrien) wrote :

Note: apparently $(...) expansion also works on windows. So that sentence was modified.

Usage: juju add-ssh-key [options] <ssh key> ...

Adds a public SSH key to a model.

-m, --model (= "")
    Model to operate in

Juju maintains a per-model cache of public SSH keys which it copies to
each unit (including units already deployed). By default this includes the
key of the user who created the model (assuming it is stored in the
default location ~/.ssh/). Additional keys may be added with this command,
quoting the entire public key as an argument.

    juju add-ssh-key "ssh-rsa qYfS5LieM79HIOr535ret6xy
    jfqQgZfjVF5vz8LESQbGc6+vLcXZ9KQpuYDt joe@ubuntu"

For ease of use it is possible to use shell substitution to pass the key
to the command:

    juju add-ssh-key $(cat ~/

See also:

Aliases: add-ssh-keys