Comment 4 for bug 1489477

Revision history for this message
Joseph Borg (joeborg) wrote :

I believe this is still an issue in Juju.

I can launch m4.xlarge and p2.xlarge from the AWS interface, but I get the following error when trying with Juju:

ERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot create machine for holding kubernetes-worker-cpu unit: cannot add a new machine: invalid constraint value: instance-type=m4.xlarge
valid values are: [m1.small cc2.8xlarge cr1.8xlarge g2.2xlarge r3.8xlarge i2.xlarge t1.micro c1.xlarge g2.8xlarge m3.xlarge m3.medium c3.4xlarge hs1.8xlarge r3.2xlarge m1.xlarge c3.xlarge c3.large c3.8xlarge r3.xlarge m2.xlarge m1.large i2.2xlarge i2.8xlarge cg1.4xlarge d2.2xlarge m2.2xlarge m3.2xlarge hi1.4xlarge m2.4xlarge r3.4xlarge r3.large d2.xlarge c1.medium d2.8xlarge m3.large m1.medium c3.2xlarge i2.4xlarge d2.4xlarge]

Is this a hardcoded list (I can't find it in the source code; only for the tests)? Or is it pulled from AWS?