Comment 4 for bug 1485249

Revision history for this message
Brad Crittenden (bac) wrote :

I've tried reproducing this problem without success.

$ juju version

I deployed the gui and mysql to both a local provider and to ec2. In both cases I was able to connect to the gui.

On ec2 I then did

% juju destroy-service juju-gui
% juju deploy cs:trusty/juju-gui --to=0
% juju expose juju-gui

After it came back up I was able to connect with no problem and could see my environment with mysql.

I repeated the above on ec2 but this time did not put the gui on machine 0 but let it create a new machine. In that scenario I could still connect.

I have not yet tried establishing the environment with an older juju and then upgrading and reconnecting. Perhaps I will try that next.

Further suggestions on how to reproduce are welcome.