Comment 7 for bug 1233462

Revision history for this message
Gary Poster (gary) wrote :

== Basic facts as of this moment ==

Charms can specify that their relations each have a "limit." It is defined on as the following:

"The maximum number of relations of this kind which may be established to other service units. Defaults to 1 for requires relations, and to "none" (no limit) for provides and peers relations. While you may define it, this field is not yet enforced by juju."

The GUI also ignores the "limit" value, but simply does not currently allow more relations than 1.

== Things I think Kapil, William, and I all agree on ==

Both the CLI and GUI would ideally honor the relation limit.

This is a low-priority issue. The current situation is OK.

== Things we might agree on ==

If the GUI honored the limit, using the default rules listed above (for required, limit is 1, and for provided, limit is none), and the CLI didn't, that would be fine. It would not introduce any new pain AFAICS.

== Things I seem to disagree with Kapil on (?) ==

I think honoring the limit in the GUI is not a waste, but simply a low priority. It would be pretty trivial to implement, I suspect.

I don't like the fact that a reasonable use case can be handled in the CLI but not in the GUI, even if the charm is correctly annotated with limits.

== In sum... ==

I'm leaving this as valid, and marking it as low. Fixing this would mean honoring the limit value in the GUI, incorporating the defaults described in the documentation.