Comment 1 for bug 1149410

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Gary Poster (gary) wrote :

Hi Marius. My suspicion is that you are running on something that does not have its public address properly set in Juju, at least as far as the GUI can tell, and the websocket address in the GUI is pointing to somewhere unreachable. We actually plan to address this today in trunk (bug 1130228) and we'll make a new release with it next week.

If this is the problem, a more specific symptom is that, when you open the network panel in your browser's debugger, the GUI keeps trying to open the "ws" resource over and over again. You can verify further by going to /juju-ui/assets/config.js on the GUI's public address. "socket_url" will show a URL that cannot resolve from where you are.

If that's the problem, you can hack around the problem by manually changing that file, within [PATH TO GUI CODE]/build-prod/juju-ui/assets/config.js, to point to the actual working public address (wss://[public address to machine]/ws). If you are using the charm and can't find it, I'll spin an instance up and remind myself where it is. /var/lib/juju/units/juju-gui/juju-gui/build-prod/juju-ui/assets/config.js, I think?