Comment 11 for bug 1421315

Revision history for this message
Greg Lutostanski (lutostag) wrote :

juju-core 1.21.1-0ubuntu1~12.04.1~juju1
juju-deployer 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.1~ppa1
python-jujuclient 0.18.4-5

Over the data I have from February it happened 43/3092 times.

Since the latest update to:
juju-core 1.22-beta4-0ubuntu1~12.04.1~juju1
juju-deployer 0.4.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.1~ppa1
python-jujuclient 0.18.4-5

I am running our data collector against the runs since the update and will respond when its done (but given the rarity of hitting it and that we have only had 568 runs so far after updating to beta4, even if we havent hit it yet I cannot say if it is entirely fixed or not).

Currently we can't repro it effectively; so one-off tests like trying the deployer call again isn't possible ATM, will discuss if we can get this in the future for these hard to repro bugs.