Comment 11 for bug 1479546

Revision history for this message
Adam Israel (aisrael) wrote :

Hey Andrew,

I pulled master this morning and re-ran. I'm still seeing timeouts occur, unfortunately. `juju debug-log` started spewing:

machine-0: 2015-08-10 15:26:18 ERROR juju.worker.storageprovisioner storageprovisioner.go:173 processing pending volumes: creating volumes: creating volumes from source "ebs": attaching vol-746fec95 to i-b7e05865: timed out waiting for volume vol-746fec95 to become available

The AWS console shows that I have three standard 8Gb. I checked it again a couple minutes later and a new volume has appeared; my 10G SSD. I let that spin for several minutes, waiting for amazon to bring the volume online, and when I checked again it was being deleted and re-initialized.

juju switch amazon
juju bootstrap
juju deploy -n3 --repository=/charms local:trusty/cassandra --storage data=ebs-ssd,10G --constraints "instance-typi2.8xlarge"

I ran this, deploying three units, and a second time with just the one. I see the SSD being initialized, and then deleted. Here's the relevant debug-log from a one-unit deployment:

machine-0: 2015-08-10 16:02:50 ERROR juju.state.unit unit.go:738 unit cassandra/0 cannot get assigned machine: unit "cassandra/0" is not assigned to a machine
machine-0: 2015-08-10 16:03:08 ERROR juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:407 failed to create volume 0: cannot attach to non-running instance i-7a9a22a8
machine-0: 2015-08-10 16:03:44 ERROR juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:407 failed to create volume 0: attaching vol-800a8961 to i-7a9a22a8: timed out waiting for volume vol-800a8961 to become available
machine-0: 2015-08-10 16:04:50 ERROR juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:407 failed to create volume 0: attaching vol-5c098abd to i-7a9a22a8: timed out waiting for volume vol-5c098abd to become available
machine-0: 2015-08-10 16:06:56 ERROR juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:407 failed to create volume 0: attaching vol-6e088b8f to i-7a9a22a8: timed out waiting for volume vol-6e088b8f to become available
machine-0: 2015-08-10 16:11:01 ERROR juju.worker.storageprovisioner volumes.go:407 failed to create volume 0: attaching vol-1f0c8ffe to i-7a9a22a8: timed out waiting for volume vol-1f0c8ffe to become available