Comment 1 for bug 1450573

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Ian Booth (wallyworld) wrote :

The deployer bundle test logs show:

        agent-state-info: 'failed to retrieve the template to clone: template container
          "juju-trusty-lxc-template" did not stop'
        instance-id: pending
        series: trusty
        agent-state-info: 'lxc container cloning failed: cannot clone a running container'
        instance-id: pending
        series: trusty

This is already reported as bug 1441319 (may be the same issue). When this has happened in the past, logging onto the node afterwards shows that the template containers did eventually stop, but not in time for juju before it gave up. Juju waits 5 minutes, but if the host node is I/O bound or has other similar issues, the container takes too long to run cloud init and then shutdown.