Comment 27 for bug 1412621

Revision history for this message
Andrew McDermott (frobware) wrote :

This is a speculative comment: it seems to happen when MAAS does not register the node's name in its DNS system. I've had 3 failures this morning and on the last failure I noticed that I cannot `dig maas-node3.maas' on either the node or the maas controller. And when you see the replica initiation start ala:

2015-11-02 14:04:04 INFO juju.replicaset replicaset.go:78 Initiating replicaset with config replicaset.Config{Name:"juju", Version:1, Members:[]replicaset.Member{replicaset.Member{Id:1, Address:"maas-node3.maas:37017", Arbiter:(*bool)(nil), BuildIndexes:(*bool)(nil), Hidden:(*bool)(nil), Priority:(*float64)(nil), Tags:map[string]string{"juju-machine-id":"0"}, SlaveDelay:(*time.Duration)(nil), Votes:(*int)(nil)}}}
2015-11-02 14:04:04 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:98 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)
2015-11-02 14:04:04 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:98 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)
2015-11-02 14:04:05 WARNING juju.replicaset replicaset.go:98 Initiate: fetching replication status failed: cannot get replica set status: can't get local.system.replset config from self or any seed (EMPTYCONFIG)

it's not clear right now whether the failure is due to it not resolving 'maas-node3.maas'.

Still investigating.